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Ember Staff

Source Advanced Class Guide pg. 221
Aura moderate evocation CL 8th
Slot none; Price 13,100 gp; Weight 3 lbs.


The reddish brown bark of this charred manzanita branch shows only in patches. The staff is a mere 3 feet long and balanced for use as a masterwork club.

When casting produce flame from the staff, its wielder can choose to set the end of the staff alight instead of producing the flame in her hand. This does not damage the staff, and the spell’s damage is added to any melee attacks made with the staff.
  • Produce flame (1 charge)
  • Scorching ray (2 charges)
  • Fireball (4 charges)


Requirements Craft Staff, fireball, produce flame, scorching ray; Cost 6,700 gp